Very First Post
All morning I've been trying to set up my new blog. So excited, couldn't wait to finally have a place to write my thoughts and share them with anyone who wants to see them. So excited, wiggling in my desk chair, acting like a kid. And now I have nothing to say. Honest to God, I am drawing a blank.Some time later, I plan to spend some time in Photoshop creating new graphics for the header. This, of course, is NOT what I am supposed to be doing today. My list of things to do actually looks more like this:
Finish Christmas shopping for Jeff
Finish Christmas shopping for Holly
Finish Christmas shopping for Cyreesa
Wrap Christmas presents
Get Chip's address for Christmas card
Get Lori's address for Christmas card
Finally get Christmas cards in the mail
Register with our marathon training group
Run at least three miles
Start working on the Christmas gift I'm making for my mother (which is so cool but I have to keep it secret)
Get stuff I need off of the yuck computer in the basement so that we can hook up the new one
As you can see, graphics for the new blog are not on the list. Honestly? This has never stopped me from doing anything before.
Wow! Check that out! For having nothing to say, I sure got alot said in my first blog post! This is not looking good for me and my future productivity. Alas, I bring my first post to a close.